At the current time, only driver accounts can mark an order as picked up and/or delivered. This is done completely via the the Ship.Cars mobile application.
Assigned --> Picked up
Picked up --> Delivered
The Ship.Cars platform is designed to provide automatic updates via the usage of the mobile application for inspection. Eliminating the need for a dispatcher to manually provide status updates.
What happens when a driver completes the inspection?
The status of the shipment is updated in the Dashboard.
All parties are notified of the status change. Broker, Carrier and customer(If email recorded) via email.
A geotagged Bill of Lading is generated. Containing pictures taken during inspection. Note: Ship.Cars only uses geo location services when a vehicle inspection is done. It is only used for pictures. As this helps validate when and where the pictures were taken and the inspection was complete. Protecting you from false claims.
If it's a billing order and marked delivered, an invoice is sent to the brokerage.
Download the Ship.Cars App
Ship.Cars for IOS can be downloaded from the link below.
Using an android device, download from the below link.
βPlease note: the phone number needs to be verified for the app to be synchronized with your Ship.Cars account. Click here for more information