Need to find an order? Plenty of ways to search for it.
Primary Filters:
by Load ID
by VIN or Vehicle Make & Model
by Driver
by Dispatcher*
*When you filter by a dispatcher, note that you will see only the orders that were created, accepted, or last edited by the dispatcher you choose. This is a commonly used filter for companies that have a team of two, three, or more dispatchers.
Secondary / More Filters:
by PU/Delivery Date
by PU/Delivery City, State, or ZIP
by Customer*
*A customer could be a shipper/broker or any of your own contacts as long as they are the ones paying for the transportation.
Additionally, you can sort your orders:
by Update Date, or last changed on top
by Create Date
Pickup Date
Delivery Date
Were you looking for a more specific filter that you use more often?
Feel free to let us know over the chat.