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SmartHaul FAQs

Common troubleshooting and Ship.Cars support information

Written by Svetlana Stoyanova
Updated over a week ago

1. How do I contact the Ship.Cars team?

A. Training related inquiries:

II. Phone: (224) 241-7271

B. Ship.Cars Support Team for all other inquiries:

II. Phone: (844) 522-7744

III. Our Support Team business hours are: Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM ET

We’re closed Saturdays and Sundays.

2. Resetting your Ship.Cars password

A. If you forgot your password, click here. To change or update your password, click here.

B. Need to reset another user’s password? Supervisor-level accounts can reset passwords for users in

their company.

I. From the Users menu, select the user needing a password reset.

II. After selecting the user, click the More Options menu at the top right of their profile card. Click Edit.

III. Click Reset Password.

IV. You’ll be asked to confirm. Click Reset Password again.

3. How do I change user roles/permissions?

A. Navigate to Edit Profile.

B. Select the drop down arrow next to ‘type of account’ to change roles.

4. What permissions does each role have?

A. Supervisor and Driver roles can be combined for efficiency in the field.

5. How do I quickly view and/or add attachments to an order through the app?

A. Dispatch Sheet, Pickup BOLs and Delivery BOLs are easily accessible for all orders.

B. Within an order, select the page icon to see all necessary documents. You can add as many files as

you need here as well. Dispatch sheets are produced at order creation. Pickup and delivery BOLs will

automatically populate after each inspection.

6. What if the Driver has no Internet access?

Your driver is picking up a car in the middle of nowhere and loses internet connection...what now?

A. As long as the driver has already received the load on the app, the inspection can be processed in

offline mode.

B. The driver must have been logged in and viewed the order before entering an area where they have

no internet connection. If they viewed the order, there is nothing to worry about. They can complete

the inspection!

C. The next time they connect to an internet source, the app will attempt to sync to the network.

7. How do I mark an order as picked up or delivered?

A. At the current time, only driver accounts can mark an order as picked up and/or delivered.

This is entirely done via the the Ship.Cars SmartHaul APP.

8. What happens when a driver completes the inspection?

A. The status of the shipment is updated in the Dashboard.

B. All parties are notified of the status change. Broker, carrier and customer (if email recorded) via email.

C. A geotagged Bill of Lading is generated containing pictures taken during inspection. Note: Ship.Cars

only uses geo location services when a vehicle inspection is done. It is only used for photos as

this helps validate when and where they were taken and that the inspection was completed.

This protects you from false claims.

D. If it’s a billing order and marked delivered, an invoice is sent to the brokerage.

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