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Searching for Loads

Enhanced Search tools will allow you to find loads in the most efficient way

Martin avatar
Written by Martin
Updated over a week ago

Looking for loads? Try the Ship.Cars Load board to find a variety of loads offered by our partners. With the latest in technology optimizing your load search, you’ll always see the loads you care about.

You can access the Load board from the left navigation panel.

Searching for loads is quick and easy.

On desktop: 

  1. Simply click on Origin or Destination and input the locations you wish to check.

  2. You can also do a Region Search by typing in a specific state.

  3. Hit “Show Results” once done. 

*Pro tip: If this is a route you are doing often, save your search by tapping on the so-called button on the bottom-left corner below "Show Results".

Notice that you can adjust the radius for each city. The advanced filters section allows you to customize your routes for only the loads you care about. 


Regions and States within the US & City Search Filters

With a city selected, you can adjust the radius around the city you'd like to search. This can be done for each individual city.

Additional Filters

  1. We have added two Sorting options here.

  2. Highlight orders posted within up to a day.

  3. Ready to ship within - up to 60 days from today .

  4. Trailer Type - open/enclosed

  5. Condition of the vehicle. Operable/not.

  6. Vehicle Type - Search for specific types such as sedan or motorcycle.

  7. Min/Max # of Vehicles - Looking for a load that can completely fill your truck?

  8. Payment Terms - Cash or billing options.

  9. Minimum Carrier Pay

  10. Minimum $ per mile/car

Filtering orders by price could hide orders that are real close to your liking and a single offer away from your target. Therefore, set the filter for the Minimum below your actual minimum.


The listings panel shows all available loads in the currently selected search criteria. Once you apply your desired filters, displayed results are dynamically updated. No need to ever refresh or click a button to view the next page. The list updates in real time and will show new orders as they are added.

Map View

Willing to get a glimpse of how busy it is in your area? Turn on the Map View and look around. Select a load on the map to see a brief info. Select View Details to get familiar with the instructions and book the loads.

Exclusive Loads

Most of the orders on Ship.Cars are posted here at least an hour before the load appears anywhere else. Carriers with saved searches get an instant notification and often times orders are getting booked before they even get posted on other boards.

Go on now! Create a search for your route and let us know should you need assistance with anything along the way via the live chat or call us at (844) 522-7744.

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